The Concept
The Upekzit (“Up-Exit”) is a combo between a double-deck bus and a waiting area designed to dramatically increase the capacity and efficiency of urban buses while reducing their cost. It would also provide separate branded spaces for two generations of travelers.
Origin of the Idea
The Upekzit idea was proposed by Raul Juanetey, who wanted to develop a system for people to exit on the second floor of a double decker bus like the ones currently in use in London. We started collaborating on this concept and, along the way, added features and ideas which are open (as always) to discussion.
How It Works
Double-Deck Buses almost double the capacity of single-decker ones without a significant increase in purchasing or operating costs. You don’t need to modify roads for them since they occupy approximately the same ‘footprint’ as their single-floor counterpart.
However, existing double deck buses are a little inefficient since passengers have to go through the lower deck first, make their way through other passengers, and finally use the narrow internal stairs to access the upper deck and get a spot—a slow and uncomfortable procedure for everyone.
Accordingly, the idea is to develop a new version of those buses with an inviting, simple platform infrastructure that matches the requirements. In short, the Upekzit would look like existing city buses, but they would feature a second floor equipped with retractable platforms so passengers could exit on the second floor of matching bus stops.
Urban architects would need to design the new waiting platforms, but this would also create a new opportunity to rethink how we interact with them and how to make them more safe and pleasant.
Their design would definitely alter interactions between people by providing two distinct spaces. For example, the second floor could be designed and even branded for teenagers and young adults and those who can easily climb the stairs.
The first floor would be adapted for senior citizens or adults who prefer a more quiet space. Each floor of both the bus and the platform would present a different look and features to welcome their own demographics.
The Market
The Upekzit would make it possible to increase the efficiency of bus routes by decreasing costs per passenger. It would also increase the quality of the service by providing a faster way to get in or out without having to disturb 25 people along the way. Of course the waiting areas and space designed for your generation would also make it more attractive for citizens to use public services.
The Industrial Designer
The Upekzit renderings were designed and produced by Bing Xiao Liu, an Industrial Designer based in Montreal Canada. Bing studied at the University of Montreal and has a deep passion for cars. He helped designed early versions of our Powersphere concept.